Campus Resources
Accommodations can be requested by individuals with disabilities on campus as both students and employees. Student accommodations are processed through the Student Access Center and employee accommodations are processed through the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility. Accommodations can be requested for mental health disabilities like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and more.
Review information about the process for seeking a reasonable employee accommodation
Our office facilitates reasonable accommodation needs for employees with disabilities. If you are interested in pursuing an accommodation/ adjustment, we will ask you to complete some brief registration forms.
Please note, our office does not handle academic accommodations for students with disabilities. If you are a student requiring assistance with making an academic accommodation request, please visit Student Access Services.
If you would like to self identity please go to the KU HR website then go to Self Service-->Personal Information-->Disability
The Student Access Center (SAC) coordinates accommodations for students university-wide. It is an individual's choice whether to self-identify, submit documentation, and make the decision about using accommodations. The SAC provides academic accommodations such as in-class accommodations, auxiliary aides, and services (e.g., alternative texts or sign language interpreters). Para-transit is available to students with temporary or permanent mobility impairments who are unable to use the standard buses.
- The services listed are the ones commonly provided.
- Accommodations are tailored to a student's need on a case-by-case, course-by-course basis.
- It is the student's responsibility to self-identify, provide appropriate documentation, and request services in a timely manner.
Service Animals are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are not considered accommodations. Emotional Service Animals, however, are protected under the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and are considered accommodations. To reside with your Emotional Support Animal (ESA) on campus, you will need to request an accommodation through the Student Access Center (SAC) or through the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility (RCEA).
For further information on the animals allowed on campus and in buildings, please look at the Animals in Buildings Policy.
Campus Resources
Campus Resources are places you as a member of the Jayhawk Community can utilize. Discounts are available for students, these resources are located on campus. The resources are listed in alphabetical order. As a reminder, if you or someone you know is in a life-threatening condition, please call 9-1-1.
ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility
Our mission is to ensure current and prospective students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors with disabilities feel welcomed, supported and fully included in all campus activities, programs, events, and services.
We provide individuals with disabilities access to a wealth of campus and community resources, expertise on accessibility, employment accommodations and offer a sense of community. The ADA Resource Center hosts regularly scheduled campus-wide social, educational, and cultural activities on issues of importance to students, faculty, and staff with and without disabilities, and community members with and without disabilities.
ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility
1246 West Campus Road, Room #117
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-7416
Twitter/Instagram: @KuAccessible
Campus Connect Suicide Prevention Training
Training for Faculty/Staff
Campus Connect is a three-hour interactive training program designed specifically for university community “gatekeepers.” Gatekeepers are campus faculty and staff who are in regular contact with students and as a result of that contact, are in position to recognize students who may be in crisis and refer them to appropriate mental health resources. Identified by the National Suicide Prevention Resource Center and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as a “best practice” for suicide prevention, in the last decade, Campus Connect has been provided on nearly 200 campuses throughout the U.S. A Campus Connect training session includes discussion of: suicide warning signs, how to talk with students who may be thinking suicide, and how to refer students to mental health services and other resources available to KU students.
Contact Campus Connect: Suicide Prevention Training
1300 Sunnyside Ave.
Summerfield Hall, Suite 350
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Phone: 785-864-7022
Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F
Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS)
The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services is to aid in the emotional and psychological development of students in the university environment for the purpose of enhancing performance; assist in the evaluation of student academic progress for the purpose of improving student and faculty functioning and; contribute to the professional education of graduate students in mental health and counseling professions.
Caps aims to assist students in improving decision-making; identifying and using resources; and achieving academic, social and personal success.
Contact Counseling and Psychological Services
Watkins Health Services
1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100
Lawrence, KS 66045-7538
Phone: 785-864-2277
Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F
Care Coordinator
The CARE Coordinator offers free and confidential support, information, and advocacy for enrolled students who have experienced sexual violence, intimate partner/dating violence, and stalking. The CARE Coordinator can assist students in navigating KU and community resources as requested, and can offer various types of emotional and practical support during KU and/or criminal processes. The CARE Coordinator can also help explore and arrange supportive measures for academic or KU housing needs. The CARE Coordinator also responds to requests for the Interpersonal Violence Fund.
Melissa Foree, she/her
Phone: 785-864-9255
Fraser Clinic – Psychological Clinic
Students, Faculty/Staff, Community
The KU Psychological Clinic provides a setting for clinical psychology graduate students to receive supervised training in the application, development, and refinement of psychotherapy and assessment skills. In doing so, the Clinic serves the University of Kansas and the greater Lawrence area community by providing an array of high quality, affordable mental health services. The services provided are evidence-based and are routinely reviewed to ensure their quality. The Clinic also affords opportunities for psychology faculty and students to conduct research on matters related to the populations it serves.
Contact Psychological Clinic
Psychological Clinic Department of Psychology
1415 Jayhawk Blvd.
Fraser Hall, Room 340
Lawrence, KS 66045-7556
Phone: 785-864-4121
Jayhawk Finances
Jayhawk Finances' mission is to help KU students achieve lifelong financial wellness through education, guidance, and access to resources tailored to their unique needs and goals.
Contact Jayhawk Finances
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-0675
Legal Services for Students
Legal Services for Students was created in 1979 by KU Student Senate and is an example of Student Senate's commitment to providing students with services critical to support personal and academic success. LSS is funded by Student Senate through a portion of the KU Lawrence campus fees.
Our mission is to prevent and resolve legal problems that confront students by providing qualified, professional legal counseling, representation, and education. Our experienced legal staff provide advice, consultation, negotiation, litigation support, representation, and educational programming for a wide variety of legal issues ranging from misdemeanors and traffic violations, to landlord/tenant disputes, tax filing, and immigration.
Conversations between students and LSS staff are confidential. Information is not shared with any third parties, including parents, without the explicit permission of the student client.
Contact Legal Services for Students
2030 Burge Union
1565 Irving Hill Road
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-4074
Phone: 785-864-5665
Mental Health First for Higher Education
Students, Faculty/Staff
Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education teaches individuals how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training — which focuses on the unique experiences and needs of college students — provides individuals with the skills to provide initial support to individuals that may be experiencing mental health symptoms and/or a substance use issues, and provides help to connect them to appropriate care. If you would like to request a Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education training please email Dr. Michael Maestas.
Contact Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education
or visit
Watkins Health Services
1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100
Lawrence, KS 66045-7538
Phone: 785-864-2277
Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F
Office of Civil Rights & Title IX (OCRTIX)
Students, Faculty/Staff
The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX (OCRTIX) administers KU's equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies and procedures and encourages a campus climate of respect and understanding. OCRTIX serves as a neutral and unbiased resource for members of the university community who wish to report an allegation of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual violence and/or retaliation, and offers assistance and protective measures. As necessary, OCRTIX performs formal investigations to detect, discontinue and prevent violations of the Non-Discrimination Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy, and to ensure the university complies with state and federal civil rights laws.
Contact the Office of Civil Rights and IX
1082 Dole Human Development Center
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-6414
Make a Report:
Ombuds Office
Students, Faculty/Staff
University Ombuds office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can
seek informal, independent, confidential and impartial assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment. The University Ombuds office adheres to the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
The original word "ombudsman" has Scandinavian origins and was first used as a public office in Sweden. According to one scholar, the term refers to "a person who has an ear to the people." In American colleges and universities, the office is often referred to as an "agent for justice" within the complex institutional systems of higher education.
Contact Ombuds Office
Carruth O'Leary hall
1246 W. Campus Road, Rm. 36
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-7261
Police Department
KU Police Department has a goal to have all officers Crisis Intervention Team certified. Officers are also being trained with the Mental Health First Aid Training. This is done to ensure that should a crisis occur, any officer would be able to respond. The KU Police Department is also able to contact and request the assistance of the Douglas County Mobile Response Team if needed.
The Police Department is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 11:30 am and 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm, excluding State of Kansas holidays. Hours are subject to availability of appropriate staff.
Contact Us
1501 Crestline Drive Suite 120 l
Lawrence, KS 66045
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 785-864-5900
Records Request: 785-864-5900
KU Crime Stoppers: 785-864-8888
Lost and Found: 785-864-5910
Self Help Library
The Jayhawk Self-Help Library is a conglomeration of resources that can be found around campus or regarding specific topics from culture shock and homesickness to suicide and test anxiety. This resource page is hosted by CAPS in Watkins Health Center.
Contact Counseling and Psychological Services
Watkins Health Services
1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100
Lawrence, KS 66045-7538
Phone: 785-864-2277
Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F
Student Access Center
Students should provide disability documentation to the Student Access Center to ensure equitable access to educational programs and services.
The Student Access Center includes staff members with expertise in the areas of Learning Disorders/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Physical Disabilities, Mental Health disabilities, Chronic Medical or Health disabilities, Deafness & Hard of Hearing and Blindness & Visual Impairment.
Student Access Center
Open Monday through Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM
1450 Jayhawk Boulevard
Strong Hall, Room 22
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-4064
Fax: 785-864-2817
Student Care Referral Team
The Student Care Referral Team assists KU students, faculty, and staff members who have concerns about a student’s wellbeing and/or behavior, are unsure how to respond, or when direct referrals to campus and community resources have been unsuccessful. Together, Student Support and Case Management and SCRT coordinate support for students experiencing exceptional difficulty in their lives. A care referral is not confidential, but all information is treated as private. Attention to mental health and assessment of risk occurs with each referral.
Contact Student Affairs
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Strong Hall, Room 132
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Phone: 785-864-4060
Student Conduct & Community Standards
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards addresses incidents of non-academic misconduct on campus and educates students about the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The office seeks to foster a holistic learning environment through education focused on community membership and standards.
Contact Student Conduct & Community Standards
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Strong Hall, Room 132
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Phone: 785-864-4060
Student Support and Case Management
Faculty/Staff to assist Students
Student Support and Case Management provides non-clinical support to students in order to develop close helping relationships while coaching them toward appropriate self-care and self-advocacy. Case Managers are trained to answer students' questions, discuss support options, help identify and complete next steps and ultimately, connect students to resources. SSCM is not a one-stop, but a caring and supportive office that works alongside students as they navigate institutional bureaucracy and engage with campus and community resources.
Contact Student Support and Case Management
1300 Sunnyside Ave.
Summerfield Hall, Suite 350
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Phone: 785-864-7022
Students, Faculty/Staff
Located in Watkins Memorial Health Center, WHS provides comprehensive medical care and outreach programs through a team of dedicated professionals. As a student-focused, student-friendly center, our mission is to advance the quality of life for university students, improving academic performance and increasing retention.
The WHS clinicians and staff recognize the importance of personal care and individualized attention and stay current with the ever-changing discipline of collegiate medical services. WHS is a unit within the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs and works with many university departments to maintain our focus on serving students.
Watkins Health Services
1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100
Lawrence, KS 66045-7538
Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F
KU Writing Center
Undergraduate and Graduate Students
The Writing Center supports students as they gain confidence, improve as writers, and achieve their academic goals by providing high-quality services in a supportive, inclusive environment. The Writing Center offers Face-to-Face Consultations (an in-person one-on-one meeting with a consultant), Online Consultations (a one-on-one meeting with a consultant done via video chat), and eTutoring (written feedback on a submitted document). Students can make an appointment at and include accommodation requests in the appointment form.
The University of Kansas KU Writing Center
Anschutz Library
1301 Hoch Auditoria Drive, Room 424
Lawrence, KS 66045-7575