Mental Health on Campus
Douglas County Behavioral Health Website
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Kansas Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Mental Health Initiatives on Campus
As part of the 2019-2020 Staff Fellows Program Recommendations, the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility has partnered with multiple departments across campus to complete Mental Health initiatives to create a positive dialogue around mental health. Initiatives include changes to policy to emphasize mental health related reasons for taking leave, edits to training materials for faculty and staff to ease negative stereotypes and stigmas surrounding mental health, and the creation of the Community Mental Health Supports webpage to serve as a home base for mental health resources on and around campus.

Every year at orientation we have a peer leadership panel and we hand pick students who have just been great community leaders and we try and have an eye towards representation and the last few years I have chosen a student who was comfortable speaking about receiving accommodations. And just having an upper-class student who is modeling the de-stigmatization of receiving accommodations and who is being held up by the law school as a peer mentor and an example of what we want from our incoming students I think is really helpful in terms of just crushing that stigma around accommodations. And we have seen that the number of students requesting accommodations has gone up exponentially since we started doing that. So I'm hopeful that that is helping to create a culture of compassion around accommodations and mental health.
Policies and Procedures
- Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook Select to follow link
- Family Medical Leave Act Select to follow link
- Interruption of the Probationary Period (Tenure Clock) Select to follow link
- Leave of Absence, Graduate Studies Select to follow link
- Modified Instructional Duties Select to follow link
- Sick Leave Select to follow link
- Shared Leave Select to follow link
- Work Schedule, Flex Time, and Job Sharing Select to follow link