Emotional Support Animal

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides personal comfort to an individual with a disability residing in University of Kansas Housing. It is an accommodation for KU Housing only and not permitted in other areas of the University. Please see the Policy on Animals in Buildings.
Students with a documented disability living in KU Housing who request an emotional support animal as an accommodation will need to register with the Student Access Center, located in 22 Strong Hall. To register, complete the online application (form) and upload qualifying disability documentation. After you have completed your application, an access specialist will contact you to assist with your concerns, answer your questions, or request additional documentation. When the ESA is approved the SAC will send the official notification to KU Housing and you will be copied on this email. All official communication is done via KU email.
If you have any questions about this process, or if you need help in uploading your documentation, please do not hesitate to give us a call 785-864-4064 or email us at access@ku.edu.