Mental Health Resource Guide

 Mental Health Resource Guide

Thank you for taking the time to consult the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility’s (ADA RCEA) Mental Health Resource Guide.  The ADA RCEA serves as a campus-wide resource on disability and accessibility.   We welcome all to call, email or stop by our Resource Center located in Room 117 Carruth O’Leary, 785-864-4946,  We are happy to answer questions, provide assistance and resources.

The ADA RCEA’s Mental Health Resource Guide seeks to organize campus, local, state, and national resources in a user friendly manner.  It is anticipated that this Guide will serve to connect individuals with relevant and helpful resources.  Our Guide is not intended to serve as professional or legal advice. Each individual must decide which resources serve them best and whether to utilize them.  Please remember that you may always call 9-1-1, if you or someone you know is experiencing a life-threatening crisis.The Mental Health Resource Guide is an evolving document; updates will occur regularly.  Resources, Suggestions and comments that further enhance accessibility and inclusiveness should be shared with For any clarification please reach out to our office at, 785-864-4946.

The resources are categorized by type of resource.  The table of contents includes Campus Resources, Community Resources, Apps, Blogs, Hotlines and Podcasts.  Please consider each list a starting point.  There are a multiple of resources available, within each category, we sought to include the highest recommended resources. Each title is hyperlinked to the resource’s 
website/informational page and the links are in the footnotes as well for your convenience.  

The Mental Health Resources Guide is an evolving document; updates will occur regularly. Suggestions and comments that further enhance Mental Health resources on or around campus should be shared with The Resource Guide is intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. For any clarification please reach out to our office at, 785-864-4946

Campus Resources 

Campus Resources are places you as a member of the Jayhawk Community can utilize. Discounts are available for students, these resources are located on campus.  The resources are listed in alphabetical order. As a reminder, if you or someone you know is in a life-threatening condition, please call 9-1-1. 

Academic Achievement and Access Center


Academic Achievement and Access Center documented disabilities to ensure equitable access to educational programs and services. 
Components of SAS include staff members with expertise in the areas of Learning Disorders/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Physical Disabilities, Psychological, Chronic Medical or Health disabilities, Deafness & Hard of Hearing and Blindness & Visual Impairment.  

Academic Achievement & Access Center

Open Monday through Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM 
1450 Jayhawk Boulevard 
Strong Hall, Room 22 
Lawrence, KS 66045 
Phone: 785-864-4064 
Fax: 785-864-2817 
Email: achieve@ku.edu2 

ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility

Our mission is to ensure current and prospective students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors with disabilities feel welcomed, supported and fully included in all campus activities, programs, events, and services.  

We provide individuals with disabilities access to a wealth of campus and community resources, expertise on accessibility, employment accommodations and offer a sense of community. The ADA Resource Center hosts regularly scheduled campus-wide social, educational, and cultural activities on issues of importance to students, faculty, and staff with and without disabilities, and community members with and without disabilities. 

ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility

1246 West Campus Road, Room #117 

Lawrence, KS 66045 


Phone: 785-864-7416 

Twitter/Instagram: @KuAccessible  

Campus Connect Suicide Prevention Training

raining for Faculty/Staff 

Campus Connect is a three-hour interactive training program designed specifically for university community “gatekeepers.” Gatekeepers are campus faculty and staff who are in regular contact with students and as a result of that contact, are in position to recognize students who may be in crisis and refer them to appropriate mental health resources. Identified by the National Suicide Prevention Resource Center and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as a “best practice” for suicide prevention, in the last decade, Campus Connect has been provided on nearly 200 campuses throughout the U.S. A Campus Connect training session includes discussion of: suicide warning signs, how to talk with students who may be thinking suicide, and how to refer students to mental health services and other resources available to KU students. 

Contact Campus Connect: Suicide Prevention Training

or visit  

Watkins Health Services 

1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100 

Lawrence, KS 66045-7538 

Phone: 785-864-2277 

Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F 

Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS)


The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services is to aid in the emotional and psychological development of students in the university environment for the purpose of enhancing performance; assist in the evaluation of student academic progress for the purpose of improving student and faculty functioning and; contribute to the professional education of graduate students in mental health and counseling professions. 

Caps aims to assist students in improving decision-making; identifying and using resources; and achieving academic, social and personal success. 

Contact Counseling and Psychological Services 

Watkins Health Services 

1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100 

Lawrence, KS 66045-7538 

Phone: 785-864-2277 

Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F 

Care Coordinator


The CARE Coordinator offers individualized support for students, education, and advocacy. The Coordinator will assist students in navigating KU and community resources and supports students during reporting for both KU and criminal acts. The CARE Coordinator will also arrange interim measures in academic/housing needs.  

Merrill Evans  


Phone: 785-864-9255  

Fraser Clinic – Psychological Clinic

Students, Faculty/Staff, Community 

The KU Psychological Clinic provides a setting for clinical psychology graduate students to receive supervised training in the application, development, and refinement of psychotherapy and assessment skills. In doing so, the Clinic serves the University of Kansas and the greater Lawrence area community by providing an array of high quality, affordable mental health services. The services provided are evidence-based and are routinely reviewed to insure their quality. The Clinic also affords opportunities for psychology faculty and students to conduct research on matters related to the populations it serves. 

Contact Psychological Clinic

Psychological Clinic Department of Psychology

1415 Jayhawk Blvd.

Fraser Hall, Room 340

Lawrence, KS 66045-7556


Phone: 785-864-4121

Institutional Opportunity & Access (IOA)

Students, Faculty/Staff 

The Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access (IOA) is responsible for administering the University of Kansas equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies and procedures, as well as, encouraging a campus climate of respect and understanding of all aspects of the human experience.  To accomplish these duties, the IOA offers assistance and protective measures to students, faculty, and staff who report acts of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, and retaliation; provides information about health, safety, advocacy, and support resources for members of the Lawrence and Edwards campuses; performs formal investigations to detect, discontinue, and prevent violations of the Non-Discrimination Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy; and ensures University compliance with state and federal civil rights laws. 

Contact Institutional Opportunity & Access

1082 Dole Human Development Center

Lawrence, KS 66045


Phone: 785-864-6414

Legal Services for Students


The University of Kansas Student Senate provides students enrolled at the Lawrence campus with assistance on commonly occurring legal issues. Through a portion of the campus fees, Student Senate funds a law office on campus - Legal Services for Students. 

The purpose of the program, which has been on campus since 1979, is to encourage students to seek the advice of an attorney in order to prevent legal difficulties and to provide assistance when students anticipate or encounter legal problems. Legal Services for Students attorneys (or law students working under the supervision of an attorney) interview and advise students regarding legal matters. The office provides three major services: advice, representation and educational programs. 

Contact Legal Services for Students

2030 Burge Union

1565 Irving Hill Road

Lawrence, Kansas 66045-4074


Phone: 785-864-5665

Mental Health First for Higher Education

Students, Faculty/Staff 

Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education teaches individuals how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training — which focuses on the unique experiences and needs of college students — provides individuals with the skills to provide initial support to individuals that may be experiencing mental health symptoms and/or a substance use issues, and provides help to connect them to appropriate care. If you would like to request a Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education training please email Dr. Michael Maestas.  

Contact Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education

or visit  

Watkins Health Services 

1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100

Lawrence, KS 66045-7538


Phone: 785-864-2277 

Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F 

Ombuds Office

Students, Faculty/Staff 

University Ombuds office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can 

seek informal, independent, confidential and impartial assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment.  The University Ombuds office adheres to the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.  

The original word "ombudsman" has Scandinavian origins and was first used as a public office in Sweden. According to one scholar, the term refers to "a person who has an ear to the people." In American colleges and universities, the office is often referred to as an "agent for justice" within the complex institutional systems of higher education. 

Contact Ombuds Office

Carruth O'Leary hall

1246 W. Campus Road, Rm. 36

Lawrence, KS 66045


Phone: 785-864-7261 

Public Safety

KU Public Safety has a goal of having all officers Crisis Intervention Team certified. Officers are also being trained with the Mental Health First Aid Training as well. This is done to ensure that should a crisis occur, any officer would be able to respond. The KU Public Safety Office is also able to contact and request the assistance of the Lawrence Police Department Integrated Crisis Team if needed. 

The Public Safety Office is the campus security and police department. The Public Safety Office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 11:30 am and 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm, excluding State of Kansas holidays. Hours are subject to availability of appropriate staff.

Contact Us

1501 Crestline Drive Suite 120 l

Lawrence, KS 66045

Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: 785-864-5900

Records Request: 785-864-5900

KU Crime Stoppers: 785-864-8888

Lost and Found: 785-864-5910

Self Help Library


The Jayhawk Self-Help Library is a conglomeration of resources that can be found around campus or regarding specific topics from culture shock and homesickness to suicide and test anxiety. This resource page is hosted by CAPS in Watkins Health Center.

Contact Counseling and Psychological Services 

Watkins Health Services 

1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100

Lawrence, KS 66045-7538

Phone: 785-864-2277 

Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F

Student Care Referral Team


Student Care Referral Team (SCRT), formerly known as Student of Concern Review Team is an interdisciplinary, administrative team that through referrals identifies students who may be experiencing difficulty coping with their environment and/or life circumstance, assesses those referrals for needs and risk, and develops intervention and outreach plans in collaboration with Student Support and Case Management.  

Contact Student Affairs

1450 Jayhawk Blvd.

Strong Hall, Room 132

Lawrence, Kansas 66045


Phone: 785-864-4060

Student Conduct & Community Standards


The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards addresses incidents of non-academic misconduct on campus and educates students about the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The office seeks to foster a holistic learning environment through education focused on community membership and standards. 

Contact Student Conduct & Community Standards 

1450 Jayhawk Blvd.

Strong Hall, Room 134

Lawrence, Kansas 66045


Phone: 785-864-4060 

Student Money Management


Student Money Management Services (SMMS) is committed to improving KU students' financial situations by empowering them to analyze their finances, make sound decisions, and commit to controlling their financial lives while at the University of Kansas and into the future. 

Contact Student Money Management Services  

Summerfield Hall

1300 Sunnyside Ave

Suite 350G

Lawrence, KS 66045


Phone: 785-864-1182

Student Support and Case Management

Faculty/Staff to assist Students 
Student Support and Case Management empowers students to address and overcome barriers in order to achieve their educational and life goals while at the University of Kansas. Using a holistic and strengths-based approach, and in collaboration with campus and community partners, SSCM seeks to provide individuals support to connect students to each other and their communities to create a safer, healthier, and more caring environment.  

Contact Student Affairs 

1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Strong Hall, Room 132
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Phone: 785-864-4060 


Students, Faculty/Staff 

Located in Watkins Memorial Health Center, WHS provides comprehensive medical care and outreach programs through a team of dedicated professionals. As a student-focused, student-friendly center, our mission is to advance the quality of life for university students, improving academic performance and increasing retention. 

The WHS clinicians and staff recognize the importance of personal care and individualized attention and stay current with the ever-changing discipline of collegiate medical services. WHS is a unit within the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs and works with many university departments to maintain our focus on serving students. 

Watkins Health Services 

1200 Schwegler Dr., Room 2100 

Lawrence, KS 66045-7538 



Office Hours: 8am-5pm M-F 

KU Writing Center

Students, Faculty 

The Writing Center offers a variety of ways for students and members of the community to get feedback on their writing. The Writing Center offers Face-to-Face Consultations (an in person one-on-one meeting with a consultant), Online Consultations (a one-on-one meeting with a consultant done via video chat), and eTutoring (email exchange/feedback with a consultant.) Please let your consultant know if you need an accommodation due to a disability. 

The University of Kansas KU Writing Center 

Anschutz Library 

1301 Hoch Auditoria Drive, Room 424 

Lawrence, KS 66045-7575


Community Resources

Community Resources are located within the City of Lawrence, and provide assistance to the general public.  Students, staff and faculty are eligible to request assistance from any community resource.  These resources are listed in alphabetical order.

Bert Nash

The Center is a non-profit, licensed, comprehensive mental health facility committed to providing research-based services to improve the lives of Douglas County residents. The Center provides outpatient therapy options for adults and children, including individual and group therapy and several specialized services. 
In order to receive services, you must be a Douglas County resident. Fees vary according to the services provided and are comparable to or lower than the cost of similar services in private agencies. Bert Nash files claims to private insurers, Medicaid (Kansas), and Medicare. Clients without insurance may qualify for sliding scale fees based on income. Payment is expected at the time service is provided. 

200 Maine Street 
Lawrence, KS 66044 
Phone (available 24/7): 785-843-9192 
Fax: 785-843-2219  
Office Hours: Mon–Thurs 7:30am to 7pm, Fri 9am to 5pm 


When a call is placed to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, it is routed by area code to the closest crisis center. In Kansas, that call comes to Headquarters Counseling Center first. Anyone can call for any reason. Headquarters is a non-profit, all calls are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.  

Headquarter’s direct line is 785-841-2345 or through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 (TALK). As part of the National Suicide Prevention Line network, Headquarters are - part of a 160-center network. Even if our counselors cannot answer, calls to the NSPL have a very high answer rate by "rolling" to the next crisis center. Online Chat is also available on our website. 

211 E. 8th, Suite C 

Lawrence, Kansas 66044 

National Hotline:800-273-8255 

Local Hotline: 785-841-2345 

Administrative Line:785-841-9900 

Live Chat Link

LMH Health

LMH Health, formerly Lawrence Memorial Hospital. 

LMH Health continues to be a community-owned, not-for-profit hospital that serves the health care needs of the community regardless of an individual's ability to pay.  

Discount Programs through LMH Health

Uncompensated services are available to patients at Lawrence Memorial Hospital whose gross income is at or below Federal Income Poverty Guidelines. Patients whose income is above the poverty guidelines may be eligible for a discount on a sliding scale

Derrick Hurst – Integrated Crisis Team

LMH Health's Integrated Crisis Team and Behavioral Health Crisis Services are available 24/7 to assist all individuals.  LMH Health has a behavioral crisis unit located in our Emergency Department.  While the Emergency Department is not designed to be 

a therapeutic setting, during certain times the Integrated Crisis Team may provide the best immediate care.

The Integrated Crisis Team is able to provide assistance in times of crisis.  The Team also provides referrals and transportation for more extensive care. 

Lawrence Memorial Hospital  

325 Maine Street  

Lawrence, Kansas 66044  

Phone:785-505-5000  800-749-4144

Lawrence Police Department

The Lawrence Police Department will strive to provide the citizens of Lawrence with the most community focused, efficient and effective police service available within the confines of existing resources. Lawrence Police Department 

Non-Emergency Dispatch:785-832-7509 

Patrol Sergeants: 785-832-7515 


Crisis Intervention Team

The council was created for the purpose of forming a partnership between law enforcement, the mental health system, courts, the mentally ill, and their families. The council’s primary mission is to provide training and CIT certification for law enforcement officers based on the CIT. The council is represented by local law enforcement officers, mental health professionals, court personnel, and mental health advocates.  The Council’s goal is to reduce dangerous confrontations between citizens in crisis and law enforcement officers, and reduce recidivism and arrests by diverting individuals with mental illness to appropriate community mental health providers. 

Crisis Intervention Team 

PO Box 8760 

Prairie Village, Kansas 66208-0760 


Customer Service Hours: Mon-Fri, 8AM - 4PM 



Headspace is your guide to health and happiness. It’s the simple way to let go of stress and get a better night’s rest. Learn to relax with guided meditations and mindfulness techniques that bring calm, wellness and balance to your life in just a few minutes a day.   Additionally, Sleep by Headspace helps create the ideal conditions for a good night’s rest.  
The Basics course is completely free and will teach you the fundamental techniques of meditation and mindfulness. After that, by subscription, gain access to the full Headspace meditation library. Train your mind with guided meditation on everything from managing stress and anxiety, to getting a better night’s rest, to relationships. Bring more awareness to daily activities through on-the-go exercises and use SOS sessions to skillfully manage moments of panic or anxiety. Get the rest you deserve at night with the help of Sleep by Headspace, which includes sleepcasts and sleep sounds. The Headspace animation library is full of tips and helpful wisdom to keep your practice on track, and you can even add friends to keep each other motivated. 
iOS / Google Play  
Free to download with limited access to library.  
In-app purchases to gain full access to library. Plans are monthly/ annually/ Family.


Calm is the #1 app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. Join the millions experiencing better sleep, lower stress, and less anxiety with our guided meditations, Sleep Stories, breathing programs, stretching exercises, and relaxing music. Calm is recommended by top psychologists, therapists, and mental health experts. 
Calm is the perfect mindfulness app for beginners, but also includes hundreds of programs for intermediate and advanced users. Guided meditation sessions are available in lengths of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 minutes so you can choose the perfect length to fit with your schedule. 
Sleep stories are bedtime stories that are guaranteed to lull you into a deep and restful slumber. Calm has 100= exclusive Sleep Stories for adults and children alike, featuring well-known talent such as Stephen Fry, Matthew McConaughey, Leona Lewis, and Jerome Flynn. Drift off to dreamland and wake up refreshed. 
iOS / Google Play  
Free to download with limited access to library. 
In-app purchases to gain full access to library. Plans are 

Insight Timer

The number 1 free meditation app. Guided meditations and talks led by the world’s top meditation and mindfulness experts, neuroscientists, psychologists and teachers from Stanford, Harvard, the University of Oxford and more. Music tracks from world- renowned artists. Join millions learning to meditate on Insight Timer to help calm the mind, reduce anxiety manage stress sleep deeply and improve happiness.  
With 10= new free guided meditations added daily, more meditation is practiced on Insight Timer than anywhere else. Great for both beginners and experienced practitioners.  
iOS / Google Play  
Free to download with limited access to library. 
In-app purchases to gain full access to library. Plans are 

10% Happier

The app 10% Happier is a mindfulness app for meditation skeptics and fidgety people. The app offers a no-nonsense, relatable way for beginners to dip their toe into meditation, and it's more geared toward performance enhancement than soul-searching. It's great for people with high-pressure jobs and busy lives. 
The free trial, payment required after trial ends. 
iOS / Google Play  
Free to download. Free plan that includes basic levels of app.  Membership has more offerings with 7 day free trial. After trial $100 subscription per year.   
Individuals can listen to the free 10% Happier podcast, though. 


Happify’ s science- based activities and games can help reduce stress, overcome negative thoughts, and build greater resilience by providing effective tools and programs to improve emotional well-being.  
Our techniques are developed by leading scientists and experts who’ve been studying evidence- based interventions in the fields of positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy for decades. 
iOS / Google Play  
Yearly subscription $139.99 ($11.67 per month if through the yearly subscription), $14.99/ month if done on a monthly basis. Or $449.99 for a lifetime subscription. 



National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has multiple blogs on their website. There are different blogs each one specific to different Mental Health conditions. These blogs are curated by the NAMI staff, can be submitted by anyone, and should be under 800 words. The blog was created with the hope that by sharing personal experiences, it will give a voice to anyone going through the same thing. It is the hope that these blogs will inspire others to express themselves or to seek help. 
The “You Are Not Alone” blog was created to be an open, safe place of expression. But it is not an immediate response.  If you or someone you know needs immediate help, please contact 1-800-273-TALK. The hotline is open 24/7. If you have questions about mental health, please contact the NAMI HelpLine at 1-800-950-NAMI. If you or someone you know needs immediate life threatening help, please contact 9-1-1.


The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is a research facility, focusing on the causes and prevention of Mental Health symptoms.  NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research agency in the world. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Everyone at NIMH works to transform the understanding and treatment of mental health through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.

The Mighty

The Mighty is a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities. There are blogs available for any range of disabilities, mental health conditions are included on that. Create an account to join the communities and read blogs posted by people going through the same process as you. 

Therese Borchard

Therese Borchard is Contributing Editor at HealthCentral and Associate Editor at PsychCentral. She is the founder of the online depression communities Project Hope & Beyond and Group Beyond Blue. In the past she has served as the Emotional Health Columnist for, where she wrote the popular blog “Sanity Break,” and a contributor to Yahoo,, The Huffington Post,, and other media outlets. 
Therese is the author of “Beyond Blue: Surviving Depression & Anxiety and Making the Most of Bad Genes,” “The Pocket Therapist: An Emotional Survival Guide,” and “What Does Depressed Mean? A Guidebook for Children with a Depressed Loved One,” among other titles. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in Theological Studies from the University of Notre Dame and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities Degree in 2011 by her alma mater, Saint Mary’s College, for her outstanding contributions to the field of mental health. She is the recipient of the 2014 Ray of Light Award by the Dave Nee Foundation, serves on the advisory board of the National Network of Depression Centers, and is a Special Advisor to the Johns Hopkins Mood Disorder Center. 

The Mental Elf

This website will help you find just what you need to keep up-to-date with all of the important and reliable mental health research and guidance. We scour over 500 sources of evidence (journals, databases, websites) every week, to find key guidance, systematic reviews and other high quality research and reports that will help make your practice more evidence-based. The selection process has no input from any external bodies, publishers, sponsors or commercial organizations. 


Crisis Call Center

800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
Crisis Text Line (U.S. only)
Text HELLO to 741741 or message us on Facebook to chat with a Crisis Counselor.
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week

Mental Health America

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week this unique hotline is available via text message to anyone experiencing mental health difficulties or an emotional crisis. Highly trained counselors offer support and guidance to calm you down and make sure you are safe on this free, confidential 24-hour support line. To further protect your privacy, these messages do not appear on a phone bill. The text line also provides services and support if you are upset, scared, hurt, frustrated, or distressed. 

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 911, go to the nearest emergency room 
Toll Free:800-969-6642 
Crisis Text Line (U.S. only) 
Text HELLO, CONNECT, or MHA to 741741

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute of Mental Health Information Center 
Phone: 866-615-6464
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline

The NAMI Helpline is available Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST to answer your general questions about mental health issues and treatment options. You can get information on mental health services in your area and learn how to help a loved one find treatment.

Phone: 1-800-950-NAMI(6264)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988 Lifeline) 

If mental health difficulties are leading you to consider suicide or think about death often, call, text, or chat the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s national network of local crisis centers at 988. This 24-hour hotline is available to anyone in crisis and provides free and confidential emotional support and crisis intervention. Your confidential and toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals. 

Phone: 988
Text: 988


The Hilarious World of Depression

Depression is an incredibly common and isolating disease experienced by millions, yet often stigmatized by society. The Hilarious World of Depression is a series of frank, moving, and, yes, funny conversations with top comedians who have dealt with depression, hosted by veteran humorist and public radio host John Moe. Join guests such as Maria Bamford, Paul F. Tompkins, Andy Richter, and Jen Kirkman to learn how they’ve dealt with depression and managed to laugh along the way. 

The Hilarious World of Depression is not medical treatment and should not be seen as a substitute for therapy or medication. But it is a chance to gain some insight, have a few laughs, and realize that people with depression are not alone and that together, we can all feel a bit better. 

Mental Illness Happy Hour

Comedian Paul Gilmartin hosts a weekly, hour-long audio podcast consisting of interviews with artists, friends and the occasional doctor. 

The show is geared towards anyone interested in or affected by depression, addiction and other mental health concerns which are so prevalent in the creative arts. 

Paul’s hope is that the show and this website will give people a place to connect, smile and feel the return of hope.   The biggest myth about mental illness is that you are alone and there is no help. This site is not intended to replace the need for medical diagnosis.  Please leave that to professionals.  It’s not a doctor’s office. 


Gretchen Rubin is HAPPIER, and she wants you to be happier too. The #1 bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before gets more personal than ever as she brings her practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits to this lively, thought-provoking podcast. Gretchen’s cohost and guinea pig is her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft, a TV writer and producer living in Los Angeles, who (lovingly) refers to Gretchen as her happiness bully. 

Jen Gotch is OK... Sometimes

Hi. I’m Jen Gotch and this is my podcast. It’s kind of weird, and original, and funny and honest just like me. Each week I’m going to get in your ear, tell you about my fears, my pain, my triumphs and hopefully in the process help you become more self-aware, build your own emotional intelligence and more than anything else FEEL LESS ALONE. 

Not Another Anxiety Show

A podcast for all: from the always anxious to the occasionally overwhelmed to the painfully panicked. 

Join your host Kelli Walker – registered nurse, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and former agoraphobe – on an anxiety adventure. 

Learn what anxiety really is, why the best of us can get caught in its web, and how to move past its sticky grip. Casual conversations with Kelli and other experts will include more than reciting daily affirmations or following "five simple steps" to overcome anxiety. Instead, you'll get practical tips, resources, and guidance while gaining a down-to-earth and deeper understanding of what it means to be human – an easily overlooked part of truly moving past anxiety. 

No experience in deep breathing, chakra alignment, or pescetarianism required. Listen in for a good laugh and start feeling a little more human today. 

Report Barriers